A blog to give a voice to our concern about the continued erosion of our democratic processes not only within the House of Commons and within our electoral system but also throughout our society. Here you will find articles about the current problems within our parliamentary democracy, about actions both good and bad by our elected representatives, about possible solutions, opinions and debate about the state of democracy in Canada, and about our roles/responsibilities as democratic citizens. We invite your thoughtful and polite comments upon our posts and ask those who wish to post longer articles or share ideas on this subject to submit them for inclusion as a guest post.
Contact us at democracyunderfire@gmail.com

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Senator Elaine McCoy ......

Senator McCoy wrote on her own personal blog called “Hullabaloos”. Scott Tribe of Progressve Blogger writes... 'It was pretty cool the day I got an application from her in my email asking if she could become a blog affiliate and have her blog posts aggregated to the Prog Blog site.'

As a long time affiliate of PB and having has some small conversations with Elaine I can only say that the loss of such a progressive Senator will be sorely missed across Canada from coast to coast.

RIP Senator McCoy.

Don R (Rural) Democracy Under Fire

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Sunday, November 1, 2020

A Scary Parallel....

Earlier in his career the world had watched him with amusement, that people refused to take him seriously, and as one action after another met with amazing success, this amusement was transformed into incredulousness. It was inconceivable that such a thing could actually happen in our modern civilization. A madman had become the leader. Having classified him in this way you might think that all we need to do is to eliminate the madman from the scene of activities, replace him with a sane individual, and the world will again return to a normal and peaceful state of affairs. ….......
Focusing on the individual’s madness begs the question as to the sanity of society that created him as its spokesman and leader, that a reciprocal relationship exists between the leader and the people who spawned him. Removing such a leader is simply removing the overt manifestation of the disease. Focusing on the madman does not take us very far in understanding those who support him. “
The above is not a Psychological Analysis of Donald Trump but from a World War II report, “A Psychological Analysis of Adolf Hitler,” for the Office of Strategic Services of the United States Government as brought to my attention by a long dissection of the American mindset by blogger Canadian Dimension
I will not pretend to be a great scholar or for that matter consumed with our southern neighbors current cluster fk but one cannot help but be concerned with where the country just south of us is headed given our close proximity both physical and economically. I can only say that from what news reports that highlight Trumps past and present unrestrained verbiage the above clip from an article about a former dictator who started in an elected official and in a short time took over government and eliminated any who opposed him that the parallels are scary..
Given the constant removal of qualified individuals from influential government positions to be replaced with Trump supporters the parallels are so obvious and troubling that the American electorate had best be praying that this smooth talking self promoting liar is removed from power in short order. I wish the American people the best of luck getting him to actually hand over the reigns of power and not further destroy what little democracy left in their country by fighting the results in the courts for months and possibly years to come.
Enough said......
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Sunday, October 18, 2020

Political Polarization “damaging for democracy.”


New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, fresh off her landslide reelection victory, warned on Sunday that rigid political polarization could be “damaging for democracy.”

Ardern, asked what the takeaway for Americans should be from her victory, said people throughout the world should work to move beyond partisan infighting.

That can be damaging for democracy, regardless of the side of the House that you sit on,” Ardern said, according to The Associated Press.

As can be clearly seen the above is very true as can be seen in a number of so called democracy's including not only the USA but Great Britain and a number of other European countries. We here in Canada are not free of such damaging 'partisan infighting' initiated purely for political purposes which is encouraged by our 'winner take all' electoral system. 

Enough said! 


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Sunday, October 11, 2020

Something to think about.....


James Hamblin kicks off “Clean: The New Science of Skin” with a confession: He virtually stopped showering years ago. Hamblin, a physician and staff writer for The Atlantic, still sprinkles water on his head from time to time, but shuns shampoos, conditioners, and the cavalcade of other products that march across American shower shelves.

In polite company, Hamblin’s confession tends to land like the Hindenburg, which reveals just how obsessed we’ve become with surface notions of cleanliness — and how reluctant we are to disavow them. But Hamblin thinks the sensible-sounding idea that we should scrub up regularly is both simplistic and wrongheaded. When you take a soap-slathered loofah to your greasy pelt, he says, you’re actually destroying an interdependent microbial universe, or microbiome, on the surface of your skin........

But what soap hoarders and hawkers overlook is that wiping out our symbiotic microbes may make us more vulnerable to other, unexpected maladies. First-line eczema treatments, for instance, include topical antibiotics, cleansers, and drugs that dampen immune response, but some researchers say these approaches can make the condition worse in the long run. “Perturbing the skin barrier by washing or scratching can change the microbial population,” Hamblin notes. “That can rev up the immune system, which tells the skin cells to proliferate rapidly and fill with inflammatory proteins.”

By scrubbing up regularly, the author argues, we stymie one of evolution’s best strategies to shield us from disease and keep out invaders. This observation lines up with an older one that kids raised in highly sanitized environments are more prone to allergies than farm kids like the Amish. Wipe the body’s microbial slate clean too aggressively, the theory goes, and the un-seasoned immune system roars back with a vengeance.

I will admit to embracing this regime, perhaps first learned in my youth from living in a cottage with no running water were the weekly bath was a major operation involving carrying buckets of water from the water supply to the house and heating it on the stove top before filling the metal tub brought in from the shed and placed on the kitchen floor. In my 70 plus years I have never been particularly fanatic about regular baths or showers and have rarely had any sickness beyond a few sniffles once in a while and cuts and scrapes heal quickly with little attention, so perhaps there is something to be said for this once common practice which continues to this day in some small rural communities!

The ever increasing prevalence of children with severe allergies may well be a result of society's insistence upon it being necessary to shower every morning, maintain a spotless house, keep kids out of the dirt and generally avoid being 'contaminated' by anything by some folks. Something to think about in the current pandemic situation.

In no way is the forgoing intended to encourage or condone those that do not take precautions against spreading the most recent and dangerous virus that is killing thousands of individuals world wide. 


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Sunday, October 4, 2020

Assault on democracy?

  A parliamentary e-petition sponsored by Conservative Calgary Nose Hill MP Michelle Rempel Garner that calls for the federal government to scrap its firearms ban has been certified with more than 230,000 signatures  The petition asks the prime minister to immediately scrap his "firearms confiscation regime," calling it "undemocratically imposed without debate during a pandemic while Parliament is suspended, [and] an assault on Canadian democracy."

The ' assault on Canadian democracy' is not the banning of these weapons of massive firepower but the support by an elected Canadian member of parliament for the continued availability of such weapons to the general public is questionable! It should come as no surprise to the average citizen that both the petition and the support for it is largely from the Alberta conservative U.S. loving crowd.

 Heidi Rathjen, a gun control activist and survivor of the 1989 Polytechnique massacre, pushed back against Rempel Garner's petition, saying the banned weapons are "designed to kill." "There's no ​​​legitimate justification for allowing that kind of power in the hands of ordinary civilians. These weapons belong to the military. These are weapons of war," Rathjen said. 

"They're not needed for hunting or even legitimate target practice … these are civilian versions of military weapons that, you know, many, if not most, have been put on the market in the last couple of decades." Following the Polytechnique massacre, Rathjen said students of the school garnered more than 500,000 signatures on a paper petition, signed by hand and gathered through regular mail, over a period of four months........

In May, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced a ban on 1,550 makes and models of "assault-style" weapons in Canada. "These weapons were designed for one purpose and one purpose only: to kill the largest number of people in the shortest amount of time," he said at the time.

There are currently an estimated 125,000 or more of these weapons available to various Canadian citizens, it is unclear how many of these weapons are properly registered, and stored and how many are owned by those who own them for 'less than legitimate reasons' (is there a legitimate reason for other than military or police to have such a killing machine?)


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Sunday, September 20, 2020

Food for thought...


World wide population approaching 8 billion

Total births this year 100 million plus

Total world wide deaths this year aprox 40 million

Increase in population this year aprox 60 million

Aprox number of identified Covid cases world wide to date 30 million

Total deaths attributed to Covid aprox 1 million

Source https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/

 In no way am I suggesting that readers should take the spread of this infection lightly or ignore the precautions recommended by the various health authorities. But perhaps we should be more concerned by the ever expanding unsupportable world wide population increase and our ability to support (and feed) that population though?

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Sunday, September 13, 2020

The affliction to the south..


I also don’t get some Americans.....

“Why would ANYONE have voted for Donald Trump? It was like standing on a train track seeing the light coming towards you at full speed, hearing the whistle warning, and yet staying on the track because you believed it would pass you by and hit someone else.

Come on, folks: it splattered body parts all over the nation. He’s spent almost four years proving he’s a racist, intolerant, lying, narcissist, fake-Christian, barely literate, uneducated, vindictive, nasty clown doing his best to destroy the United States economically, environmentally, socially, and politically. He is shredding your nation’s democracy as we speak, undermining your Constitution, destroying your ability to vote,  and making Vladimir Putin a very happy man. He mishandled the pandemic at the cost millions of jobs, a worse economic collapse than the Great Depression, and more than 170,000 deaths (and rising). He mishandled international trade at the cost millions of jobs and hikes to consumer prices. He alienated every ally in Europe and North America. He has screwed education, tried to sell Puerto Rico, wanted to use atomic bombs on hurricanes, thinks windmills cause cancer, put incompetent sycophants into the Supreme Court, golfed this term more often than most people golf in their entire lives, and played footsie with America’s sworn enemies.

For a further dissection of the AH in chief see long time Collingwood media correspondent Ian Chadwick's recent opinion piece at http://ianchadwick.com/blog/i-just-dont-understand-americans/

Now in my dotage I rarely opinionate on these pages anymore and just about all that can be said has been said about the idiot in the White House but I think that perhaps Mr Cadwick's description of said massive danger to democracy not only in the U.S. of Eh but elsewhere across the world bears repeating!


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