A blog to give a voice to our concern about the continued erosion of our democratic processes not only within the House of Commons and within our electoral system but also throughout our society. Here you will find articles about the current problems within our parliamentary democracy, about actions both good and bad by our elected representatives, about possible solutions, opinions and debate about the state of democracy in Canada, and about our roles/responsibilities as democratic citizens. We invite your thoughtful and polite comments upon our posts and ask those who wish to post longer articles or share ideas on this subject to submit them for inclusion as a guest post.
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Sunday, March 9, 2025

Special for our friends in the U.S. of Eh


I was recently watching a rather poor movie that was featuring individuals totally screwing up everything around them, it was so boring that I was switching back and forth between them and MSNBC programming just to pass the time, it got to the point where I could not tell the difference between the main actors, particularly when the feature individual was on screen!

Its getting bad when a President is more unpredictable and entertaining than a cheap movie, mind you I suspect most of the U.S. citizens do not view it that way. Frankly nor do the Canadians or the rest of the world.....A poor movie you can at least turn off, a poor President takes a bit more time and effort !!!

I hesitate to publish this opinion, there are far more qualified folks writing on this issue but for I am but an almost 80 year old man who had been around on two continents for a while who can perhaps see where this is going. Trumph himself brought up those WWIII words in treating a fellow leader who is currently being invaded by a hostile neighboring country as he was treated like one of the accompanying lackeys.

That we here in Canada right next door are in top a of a political upheaval as this goes all down does not help but I must give ALL our leaders both provincial and federal and incoming for pulling together on this one. We the general public are watching, DO NOT start fighting between you, work together for the good of CANADA against this sick leader to the south!

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Lorne said...

The one good that has emerged from this time of upheaval, Rural, is that more and more Canadians are pulling together, having rediscovered their national pride. Given the terrible threat posed by Trump, we are all reminded of how precious our country is, how different it is from our 'friends' to the south. I think and I hope that we are up for what will be a protracted battle.

Rural said...

You are so right Lorne, let us hope that this good will and pulling together lasts through the coming political upheaval here!

lungta said...

It is 1 in 10 ; arguably 1 in 5 in Alberta pro annexation by poll. I'm guessing pro trump is even higher. A high jacked federal conservative government (ala TBA in AB) could squeak it thru.
How many politician one time vote could be bought at 100 million each?
donkey donny has 10 "pals" who could pony up 5B each in a paper transfer
That's 500 - 100 million dollars bribes.
One of the major atributes of human behavior is the survival instinct of self justification. Justifying your actions.
Or as R Heinland said " Your morality is your agreement to live by your own rules . If you don't like the game change the rules.
For 100 million , with many others already on board, annexation might be the best you can do for Canada, eh?

Rural said...

Unfortunately Lungta I fear you may be right but hope that our average Canadian politician has more fortitude than that, and less money?