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Friday, September 12, 2014

Canada-China Trade Agreement to be Ratified?

Breaking news from Ottawa: We’ve just heard that Prime Minister Harper could be about to ratify the secretive and extreme Canada-China FIPA investors deal in the next few hours. This deal would allow China’s massive companies to sue Canadian governments in secret tribunals if we make decisions that put Canadian interests ahead of their corporate profits – restricting Canadians from making democratic decisions about our economy, environment and energy.

It gets worse: If Prime Minister Harper approves this international investors’ deal it could bind us for 31 years.

As you may know, the Hupacasath First Nation are using their constitutionally protected legal rights to challenge this deal in court. The court case is still in progress, and the court has not yet released its decision on the Hupacasath’s appeal. If Harper ratifies FIPA it would show total disrespect for Canada's courts and the the judicial process.

There is little we can do to stop his dictator from ratifying this anti Canada trade agreement but LeadNow is suggesting we call our MP or the Com MP responsible , See this http://www.leadnow.ca/stop-fipa/ for further information.

UPDATE 3pm Friday 12th Sept 2014
Its a done deal !!

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